Sunday, November 24, 2019

Top Secrets to Overcoming Fear

Practical and simple tips on how to overcome fear and become fearless

Fear is an unpleasant sense of the danger of a situation, an internal state caused by a threatening real or perceived disaster. From the point of view of psychology, it is considered to be a negatively tinged emotional process ... There are a lot of definitions, an ocean of articles, books, theses, research, specialists: someone in the role of a home psychologist enhances his own self-esteem, well, someone who is bolder, professional in this makes a lot of money. What should I do if I'm afraid? How do I overcome fear?

The answers to these questions you will learn in this book are also simple secrets to overcoming various fears.


The theme of human fears sounds in the world today in full voice. And there are plenty of reasons for this. How to avoid becoming a slave to your own phobias and fears, how to overcome the fear of life as such and not allow it to become a total obstacle to our development? What is the significance of the struggle with fear in the Christian life?

Human fears are as diverse as the dispensation of the human soul. Someone is afraid of death, which is inevitable for man. Someone is afraid of pain, someone is afraid of illness and any kind of suffering, someone is afraid of dishonor and shame, someone is lonely and left behind by people, someone in general, that his life will be wrong as he would have wanted. If we add to this the fear of the dark, the fear of various everyday dangers, the fear of the unknown, which is also very much inherent, then, in the end, it turns out that a person is afraid not only of something separately but of his whole life as a kind of universal fact, delivered when he came to this world.
What is the basis for this fear? First of all, the fact that a person often does not know what life is does not understand why it was given to him, and even when he seems to know and understand, this knowledge and understanding is not the property of his heart. Therefore, it is sometimes easier for a person not to live, but to vegetate, hiding in some kind of burrow, shutting himself in his little room and hoping in this way to sit out and avoid some serious decisions, tests, shocks, without which human life does not pass.
In fact, it is through this that the formation of a person is accomplished — through what he has to experience in his life a lot of difficult things and, in the context of our conversation, “terrible”. And, of course, such avoidance not only deprives the one who fears those or other impressions that are important for his life but also deforms his personality, does not allow it to form as it could be. If a person continues to drift along with it, if he perceives his fear as a certain norm, she can destroy it - to the extent that a mental disorder occurs. Therefore, of course, it is impossible to put up with fears, it is impossible to live with fears, it is impossible to merge with them into a single whole - you need to fight them and overcome them throughout their lives.
Table of Contents

1. What to fear in this life?

In today's life, there are so many fears that poison this life, that all human behavior is based only on fear. And every day a person is diligently imposing new fears, oppressing their psyche and will, making it controlled by fear. But in fact there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of in this life, many people live in constant fear, not even understanding its nature, not to mention understanding it. What all fear is reduced to us for, if not to the fear of death, because our life is the most precious thing we have, but death is unknown to us, and from that, it scares us.
It is the fear of death is the root of all other fears that grow and flourish in our heads. But even death is not terrible when you realize that it is an integral part of our life. If you realize that your life can be interrupted at any time, anywhere, and that you don’t know the reasons for this, then the very fear of death will lose its meaning. There is no point in fear, because all the same, something will happen that should happen, but something that we have not done will never happen. That is why it is so important that they are not afraid because fear binds our actions, and we must act in this, and this is the meaning of the whole life process.
A person is afraid of loneliness and therefore acts, he is looking for a couple, a person is afraid of hunger and poverty, and therefore he works, the person is afraid of death and therefore tries to prevent it. All this suggests that we need to act, and fear forces us to do it, but we should not be afraid, why not step over this stage and not immediately begin to act? Why are they necessarily afraid of something that they would either do something or stay idle, submitting to their fear, but not listening to it? As soon as you cease to be afraid, but at the same time you will not be an indifferent person, and you will remain as purposeful as fear makes you, you will jump far ahead.
It is impossible to frighten or stop a person who is not afraid of anything, including death, but at the same time, he has a purpose in life. But an apathetic person who is not afraid of anything, but does not have a goal, can be frightened at any moment when his measured and calm life ceases to be so. And all because such a person lives with an illusion of stability, which is not there, he is afraid of losing what is not in principle. This is where the absurd is, this is where there is no understanding of the nature of one’s fear. Fear acts as a fuel that puts the human body in working condition, but this fuel can paralyze a person and limit him if he does not want to start.
But in general, this is just a stupid measure of coercion is because if you are not stupid and ask questions about life, you do not need to be forced, and fear for you is just fun. Who and what can deprive you of this world, if you already own nothing, but people are afraid of it. Everything will ever go into non-existence, everyone dies, time does not spare anyone, and in this case, which is regrettable, about the inevitable? The whole universe consists of the same parts, we all are one, and how not cool, we will remain so, and in that case, what can we be afraid of? It is enough to think a little about it in order to understand the whole senselessness of fear, and that the function that it performs may not be necessary for us.
You are not smart enough if only fear forces you to do something, but you are very stupid if you do not do anything because of fear. Transform your thinking, by recognizing your fear, find its root and its meaning, and you will understand that in this life there is nothing to fear, you just needed the illusion of fear, because you do not understand otherwise. Fear recedes before those whom it makes no sense to frighten, who sees the true state of affairs and understands the need for all that is in this life. Your psyche will change significantly, and opportunities will increase when you understand why you are afraid, what you are afraid of, and decide for yourself whether you need it.

End of this sample Kindle book. 
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