Saturday, November 30, 2019

Shish Kebab of Fish

40+ recipes of delicious kebabs from different fish

Food for your health

Looking for great fish shish kebab recipes? 
You will find them in this cookbook.
If you have planned a picnic and are now thinking about how to make fish shish kebab, what fish to choose for it best, how to cook shish kebab from fish on coals using the right technology, read the recipes below, and the fish shish kebab will be fully prepared for you. You will know how to make shish kebab from fish in dozens of different ways and will please yourself and your guests with really delicious dishes.
Fish cooked on fire will be a great alternative to other products.
Firstly, they are light enough and do not overload the stomach, so you will feel great without an unpleasant weight in the stomach, such as after a kebab.
Secondly, in foods cooked on the grill, the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved.
Thirdly, whatever they say, but warm food is indispensable for our body, so a dish directly from the grill will help you to get enough and stay healthy.
However, nutritionists say that you need to eat fish at least twice a week because phosphorus in its composition has a positive effect on the brain and the body as a whole. If you already turn back on boiled fish and you do not want to fry it in oil then take out the grill - it will give your favorite fish an incredibly new taste.

Looking for great fish shish kebab recipes? You will find them below, right below this text. If you have planned a picnic and are now thinking about how to pickle fish shish kebab, what fish to choose for it best, how to cook shish kebab from fish on coals using the right technology, read the recipes below, and the fish shish kebab will be fully prepared for you. You will know how to make shish kebab from fish in dozens of different ways and will please yourself and your guests with really delicious dishes.
Fish cooked on fire will be a great alternative to other products.
Firstly, they are light enough and do not overload the stomach, so you will feel great without an unpleasant weight in the stomach, such as after a kebab.
Secondly, in foods cooked on the grill, the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved.
Thirdly, whatever they say, but warm food is indispensable for our body, so a dish directly from the grill will help you to get enough and stay healthy.
However, nutritionists say that you need to eat fish at least twice a week because phosphorus in its composition has a positive effect on the brain and the body as a whole. If you already turn back on boiled fish, and you do not want to fry it in oil then take out the grill - it will give your favorite fish an incredibly new taste.
Table of Contents

Shish kebab from chum salmon

500 g chum salmon (fillets)
1 pc bell pepper
4 pc onion
1/2 pc lemon
2 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp seasoning for fish
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste

Servings: 6-7


Prepare the necessary ingredients. Vegetables wash.
For marinade: mix soy sauce, lemon juice, and zest, salt, seasoning for fish, chopped onion and butter.
Fish is cleaned from bones and skins, cut into small pieces.
Pepper we cut by squares, and onions - ringlets.
Pour in the fish of marinade, mix thoroughly and put in the fridge for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Put the fish on wooden skewers, alternating it with onions and peppers. We put shish kebabs on a baking sheet and cook in the oven for 25 minutes before a beautiful ruddy crust.
We serve shish kebab with greens and vegetables, watering sauce

Skewers of fish with cherry tomatoes

450 g swordfish without skin
450 g salmon
24 pc cherry tomatoes
1 glass fresh basil
1 pc clove garlic
Salt and pepper to taste

Servings: 4


Heat the grill to a high temperature. Cut fish-sword and salmon into 24 pieces (about 3.5 cm), put on 8 skewers, alternating fish with cherry tomatoes.
In a blender, mix e basil, olive oil and garlic until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Add salt and pepper. Divide the mixture in half.
Lubricate the shish kebabs with half the mixture of basil, season with salt and pepper. Fry the shish kebabs on the grill for 6 to 10 minutes, turn over from time to time. Lubricate the shish kebabs with the remaining mixture of basil. Serve immediately.

End of this sample Kindle book. 

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