Sunday, November 24, 2019

Personal Development Secrets for a Successful Life

Simple steps to ensure the development of a strong personality

The personality of a person is a variable value. Over the course of life, it undergoes many changes depending on what tests we endure and what tasks we set for ourselves. And even living in the same rhythm and sticking to a stable schedule, we change. Often - not for the better, since the lack of development almost always pulls degradation.
Man is so constituted: he needs constant growth, the search for a new one. Stopping to move (not only in the physical but also in the mental sense), he begins to degrade.
Anyone who has stepped on this path understands that pleasure brings both the process itself and the results. And that this resource is inexhaustible because the top level of perfection simply does not exist.
 Look around and compare happy and unhappy acquaintances. What is the difference? Happy start a new business, study at pieces of training, go in for sports, constantly travel learn something new. Unhappy people have been working at the same job for decades, having fun only with the help of beer and are constantly looking for those guilty of their failures.
The answer to our question is simple - it is necessary to engage in self-development in order to become happy.

This book will help you in personal development to achieve great success in your personal life.


Every person wants to be successful. Someone wants to succeed in love, someone at work. One person dreams of fame and glory, another believes that true happiness is to be healthy and have healthy children. People invest in this concept something of their own.
But real success is not limited to these achievements. Earn 100 thousand a month or restore your nervous system - this is not a success, it is only a small part of it. Of course, it's great to have goals on the road to success, but true success is an endless journey to meet your innermost dream. This is the fulfillment of its life purpose. This is a full and happy life. It is harmony and good fortune in everything.
That is, SUCCESS is a multifaceted concept that covers all spheres of life. This is an endless development in a given direction. This is a constant movement forward towards the dream.
And all you need is to decide on your high goal. And follow it, believing in yourself and in the fact that you are sure to achieve everything you desire. You are the only person who can find your way in life. Forget about all sorts of goals that your surroundings have imposed on you, go your own way, follow your heart and do what you really want and success is guaranteed to you.

Table of Contents

1. Setting goals for success

To achieve success, you should learn how to set a goal competently in the specific situation we are currently faced with. What is our desired result? After we have determined in detail what we want to achieve (that is, we have defined our goals), we can formulate intermediate tasks, the solution of which will direct our time, our talent, energy, and activity.
It is not surprising, therefore, that intelligent managers consider the stage of setting goals as a prerequisite for the success of the whole team. However, the process of setting goals can be improved by formulating goals as statements — positive personal formulations and phrases built in the form of slogans or appeals that act as additional incentives to achieve goals. Moreover, if we supplement the process of setting goals and formulating statements using visualization techniques, we can increase the probability of successfully achieving the goal by literally an order of magnitude. Let's first dwell on the process of setting goals.
A well-formulated goal is capable of leading us, consciously and unconsciously, towards its achievement. It also helps to recognize the opportunities that occur along the way. The use of such features further accelerates the whole process. If you carefully formulate each of your goals on paper, then a person has a clear idea of his own purpose on earth, which has as it were, a kind of binding contract concluded with himself. I have been teaching the subject of setting goals for more than fifteen years and have formulated during this time a specific method that is understandable and easy to apply. I call it "SMART-method". Your goals should be:
• Specific
• Measurable
• Focused on action,
• Realistic,
• Specific in time.

The goal should be as specific as possible. As a rule, the level of specificity depends on the amount and accuracy of the information that a person has. Vague goals don't inspire us much. For example, one manager, with whom I recently worked, set a goal: "Reduce the response time." I asked him: “Time, what answers and who are you going to shorten, and why?” Reflecting with him further, I asked: “What do you mean by the words“ shorten ”and“ response time ”? Can you quickly define these concepts? ”His unit was engaged in servicing employees of their own company, who are in contact with consumers or external customers. Recently, there have been many complaints about the fact that the information comes to the staff late. After research and analysis, he came to the conclusion that most of the claims relate to the delay of the information needed by the sellers. Such a delay prevented quality customer service.
After examining the question and considering the terms and formulations, the manager formulated his goal as follows: “I intend to cut the time it takes to prepare answers to my employees’ requests for new prices.” Compare the first wording with this one. See the difference? The specific formulation of the goal allows you to more accurately determine what to focus on and why.

There is an expression: "You cannot improve what cannot be measured." Without the appropriate measure, the unit, you can never determine how the situation has become better. Measuring certain parameters of the situation before and after the events is very important since we then have a base for comparison. Let's go back to the previous example and think about which aspects of this goal are measurable.
Timing is an event that can be measured. If we rewrite our goal with this in mind, it may sound like this: “I intend to reduce the time it takes to prepare responses to requests from my employees for new prices by twenty-five percent.”

Action orientation
If the goal is not action-oriented, then most likely it will never be achieved. To realize it, you need to do something. Therefore, you should write down what needs to be done on the merits of this goal. For example, the entry "Read complaints" will not change the situation for the better. However, if you write down "reduce the number of" or "eliminate complaints", then there is a desire for action.

Goals must be realistic. However, the concept of "realistic" everyone understands in his own way. We all evaluate differently what is achievable and what is not. Of course, we can always remember our past experiences and pick up certain landmarks. That is, we can always ask ourselves: “What did I do in the past in a similar situation?” You can also ask the question: “What can we really do?” I remember how I worked with one brigade, which was given the task of reducing costs project. The brigade leader said: “They [the chiefs] are asking us to squeeze the estimate by another eleven percent over the next six months. But we have already reduced everything that is possible! Nothing more is possible! ”
In this case, the team has no choice. In their understanding, eleven percent is an unrealistic figure, since they feel that they have already done their best. However, from the point of view of management, the goal is quite real. Some people deliberately set themselves too modest goals. Their concept is as follows: it is better to promise less, and then exceed it, than vice versa. In general, this is a reasonable approach when setting goals. But we are not talking here about how to set "safe" goals. People with a positive mindset set goals for themselves that even somewhat exceed their capabilities. Such tasks seem to challenge a person and help to achieve the unattainable, require additional portions of self-confidence, creativity, and talent. Dr. Peel usually recommended applying the “ten percent rule” in this case: whatever goal you set for yourself, add ten percent to it from above. Force yourself to stretch a little and get out of the zone of personal comfort. If we take our example (“Reducing the Time to Response to Twenty-Five Percent”), then we must ask ourselves whether this goal is real. Where did this figure come from? Many are accustomed to complement their goals with numbers taken from the ceiling. One way to set a realistic goal is to evaluate your own specific productivity. That is, you need to ask: "And what is the response time now?" We need some kind of guide. Further, what standards for comparison can we find in our own team or in other organizations? If others managed to respond to requests in time X, there is no reason to think that we cannot.

Binding to the times
When do you plan to reach your goal? Goals with a “free date” give us the luxury of constantly rescheduling. If the term is “hanging”, then there is no point in hurrying and straining. A goal that must be achieved sometime in the future, for example, more than three months later, should be broken down into stages, the implementation of which must be tied to specific tight deadlines.
For example, the goal of “Reducing expenses caused by poor quality in the 2019 fiscal year by 8%” can be broken down into stages: “Reduce the level of marriage by X% in the first quarter of 20191”, “Reduce the level of return of goods from buyers by Y% in the second quarter of 2019 ”, etc. All participants in the Olympic Games set specific goals for themselves, and then break them into stages. When we do this, the process of reaching each stage becomes more concentrated, not so frightening, easily broken into weekly and daily cycles.

End of this sample Kindle book. 
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