Monday, January 7, 2019

The Main Qualities of a Successful Person

Practical tips for creating a strong personality

Who among us does not dream of success? Perhaps is all. But not everyone knows how to achieve success. What makes a person successful and what qualities should successful people develop in themselves for real victories? Let's see.
Only the laziest (and, most likely, unsuccessful) does not speak and think about how to become successful. A lot of seminars, training, and meetings are held on this topic, people build theories, create rules, and derive formulas for success. Something of this works, but something is not, because the magic pill does not exist, and the injection of success has not yet been invented.
However, in the course of long observations of humanity, it was possible to identify a number of qualities that distinguish a successful person from an unsuccessful one.
What is a successful person?
What are the qualities of character and skills necessary to achieve success?
How to balance the positive and negative qualities of your personality so that they do not interfere with each other?
Answer these questions you will receive in this book.


What qualities distinguish a successful person from the average man in the street? Is it possible to develop them in yourself, getting the same excellent result in your work?
Certainly, the answer is positive: any trainee can repeat what has already been done by others!
In order to have all the qualities listed below that are inherent in successful people, it is necessary to work on yourself, bringing up the necessary, eradicating bad habits and preferences.
After all, to be like most people will not be difficult: to be born, learn, marry, give birth, raise children, live forever, and die. Perhaps, in the depths of the soul, there is a desire to achieve ambitious goals, to actively change the world around us for the better.
Arm yourself with perseverance, patience, dedication to achieve the desired goal! Let us examine in detail every aspect of a successful person, highlighting the basic qualities of a successful person.


1. Spiritual values in a person’s life
2. Source of success
3. Knowledge and wisdom
4. The intuition of a person
5. The uniqueness of man
6. The power of intention
7. Proactive thinking
8. Detachment
9. Why do need to share?
10. Discussion of other people
11. Good conscience
12. Spontaneity
13. Patience
14. Freiling
15. Go with the flow of life
16. What does it mean to wake up
17.  31 quality of a successful person
18. How to become a successful person?

1. Spiritual values in a person’s life

Each person grows up with his own set of values. The most interesting thing is that they do not always serve a person, but can, on the contrary, even cause him harm.
Our parents, teachers, educators, and friends pass us values from birth.
We cannot always immediately understand which of the values harm us and which of them benefit. Let's take a closer look at this!
What are values?
Values are internal principles, beliefs in which a person believes and holds on to them, he considers his values to be important and, if necessary, he is ready to defend them.
Values can be both positive and negative.
Naturally, negative values harm a person. An example of many values can be given, For example, cigarettes, alcohol and even narcotic substances can become values for a person who will even look for advantages in them and protect them.
Those who consume alcohol believe that it is good for the body, sterilizes it from various infections and that drinking alcohol from time to time is necessary. Vodka sterilizes, wine expands blood vessels, alcohol helps to relax and get away from problems. Although this is of course nonsense, alcohol is poison for the body.
Cigarettes - this is the best way to calm and from the nerves, stress, but at what cost.
It is important to see things in the present light, and not in the illusory. In this article, I propose to discuss spiritual values, not religious ones.

Spiritual values
Spiritual values imply the presence of the Spirit in them. Development and strengthening is of your inner Spirit, spiritual body.
The realization that this values you open inside yourself, primarily for yourself and your own good, and not for the eyes of others. You choose to be that way for yourself.
One can cite the following spiritual values:
a responsibility;
love first of all to itself, and then to people around;
Believe in yourself;
love for your parents;
respect for any form of life;
resistance to stress;
fidelity (meaning his wife);
Love for family.
So you can transfer for a long time. The main thing is that each value makes you stronger. By practicing these values within yourself, adhering to and, simply choosing, you become a spiritually strong or spiritual person. It is not known why. It just is.
Naturally, to be honest with others, you must first be honest with yourself, to be sincere with others, you need to learn, not to lie to yourself. To love people, you must first love yourself.
It all starts with you, with your relationship to yourself. If you hate yourself and do not accept, you do not like yourself, and they do not think that the attitude of others towards you will be different, or suddenly you will burn with ardent love for others. This is an illusion.
All these values, if you practice them, make you stronger.

Current society
Now in society, to lie is normal, promiscuous sex is also normal, not being sincere and two-faced, hating yourself and others, wearing masks, not respecting parents, smoking and drinking everything is normal, but not natural.
It does not cultivate the human spirit, it destroys it. A person feels internally flawed, unable to change anything in his life.
Chasing external ideas or putting money and fame in the first place is also not normal.
To be wealthy and with money, to live in luxury is a good desire, but when it is only important for you, when you strive for it, to prove to everyone who you are, that to be higher in the eyes of others is not normal.
Let the internal categories always be in the first place and the external in the second.
The inner always creates the outer. The outer world is only a reflection of the inner world. What is the point of pursuing a reflection when it is easiest to influence him by working with the inner world It is for this that inner spiritual values are needed in order to feel the inner core in order to have the ability to create your life the way you choose it?
I do not urge you to believe it, you can just check. Practice and learn everything, only this should not be parenting, use and be guided by spiritual values - this is a conscious choice of everyone, and not driven into the subconscious of the program from parents and others.

End of this sample Kindle book. 
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  1. Very nice introduction. In fact, it is the values we adopt in our life that shapes our spiritual growth. Achieving success in the world is, what I should say - colateral gaining.
    Narasinh Purohit
